Monday, February 18, 2013

Is She or Isn't She?

 Something seems to be missing from this picture....
 Yes, its Ash. Once again acting anti-social and laying down alot. This time I think it may be for real.
 Her udders have turned into real knee-knockers. The other ewe, Polly, is just starting to develop, but I do think she is for real preggers.
 I've been watching Ash for the last 3 weeks wondering when she would pop. Maybe finally we'll have an adorable lamb bouncing with the piggies....and I'll be getting some milk finally!

Speaking of piggies: Gorbachev, Wilbur, and Big Pink Piglet are asking for statches now. I even got them to roll over for belly rubs a few times. The boys are uncut but a rare cross with great personalities developing, so I am hoping someone wants them as breeders.
 They have gotten so big, and look at that silly grin on Rosie's face. She's a happy girl these days.
Other accomplishments today: moved a pile of slimy/wormy leaves to a section of the garden that is so compacted and clayey nothing but small weeds can live. Tiny weeds were starting to take over again so I hoe'd it then mulched with the leaves. Hopefully the worms in the leaves will find a home there. I was amazed at how airy the soil under the original pile was: some serious worm activity! Also made some cuttings of my honeysuckle.

I rendered a little bit of tallow and gave Rosie the meat trimmings for her dinner. She could smell it when I walked in the barn and was quite excited...I don't see her scarf down food like that very often. The piglets were also excited by the smell, but mom wouldn't share. I guess for breakfast they can all get some of the water I finished rendering it...looks pretty cloudy and probably tastes amazing to a pig.

What am I saying? OF COURSE it tastes amazing: it was trimmings of some Kobe style beef. Live it up pigs. Live it up.

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